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Aphelandra Squarrosa

Aphelandra Squarrosa


Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly called "zebra plant", is a small- to medium-sized tropical shrub in the Acanthus family Acanthaceae. It is a part of the overall Atlantic Forest vegetation of eastern coastal Brazil. Aphelandra is often sold for use as a decorative house plant. It is an evergreen perennial native to the Brazilian rainforests. The 'Zebra' name comes from its eye-catching striped foliage, while its Latin name describes the square-like way that the mature bracts form.

  • Basic Care

    The zebra plant naturally grows under canopy trees, in warm and humid environments. Given its natural environment, your Zebra Plant will prefer bright, indirect sunlight. It will tolerate some direct sun, but not for too long as too much direct sun can scorch the leaves. If the leaves start to turn yellow or brown, I recommend moving the Zebra Plant to an area with more shade.

    The perfect spot for your Zebra plant in your house is in a room with a west- or south-facing window. These rooms get the brightest light during the day, which is a great spot for this plant. Again, make sure this plant isn't getting any direct sunlight by placing it behind a thin curtain or another shaded spot.

    Your Zebra Plant should be watered about once a week, or when the soil is dry to the touch. Allow the water to completely soak through the soil and drain out the bottom of the pot. If you're unsure if the Zebra Plant needs more water, there's an easy way to check. Touch the top 1-2 inches of soil, and if the soil is moist there's no need to add water.

  • What you get!

    One of the exact plants shown, growing in a 6" nursery pot.

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