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Monstera Dubia

Monstera Dubia


Monstera dubia is one of the smaller, lesser known monstera varieties, but it’s very beautiful and makes a great addition to any monstera lover’s houseplant collection.

You can recognize monstera dubia by the small, heart-shaped leaves, speckled with both light and dark green. Since juvenile plants (the kind you’ll likely see indoors) lack the iconic monstera slits and holes, you may not even recognize it as a monstera at first! But the gorgeous light and dark green patterned leaves make this a beautiful plant in its own right, even without the fenestration.

Fun fact: Monstera dubia is sometimes called the “shingle plant” because its leaves lie so flat against the trees it climbs in the wild, creating the appearance of shingles!

  • Basic Care

    Place the plant in bright, but indirect sunlight. The sun’s rays should never touch the leaves, and your plant should never cast a shadow.

    Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil dry out, which should be every 7-10 days depending upon the lighting and temperature.

  • What you get

    One of the exact plants shown, growing in a 4" nursery pot.


  • Discount Information

    This item will not be discounted. If you have a code and receive a discount, an invoice will be sent to pay the balance.

    By purchasing this plant, you agree to the terms of purchasing the plant at the full price.

Excluding Sales Tax

Winter Sale

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