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Epipremnum Pothos 'Njoy'

Epipremnum Pothos 'Njoy'

Артикул: NJY

Pothos can grow to 50′ feet or more in the wild, but NJoy is far more compact. NJoy reaches a height of 6″ to 9″ inches and can trail or climb up to 10′ feet. The trailing stems of heart shaped leaves will root when they come into contact with soil. ‘NJoy’ has intense green color with cream to yellow variegation. It has smaller leaves than most pothos plants.

  • Basic Care

    Direct sunlight will damage the leaves. Low light will cause the variegation to fade. It will grow well under a fluorescent light source, making it an excellent choice for offices. These plants come from tropical areas and cannot handle temperatures below 55° degrees Fahrenheit. NO DIRECT SUN!

    Pothos N joy plant needs very little water to survive. It’s best to water when the soil is dry down to about 1″ inch deep.

  • What you get!

    An unrooted or slighted rooted cutting with 3-4 nodes that has 2-4 leaves in a 3" nursery pot.

  • Discount Information

    This item will not be discounted. If you have a code and receive a discount, an invoice will be sent to pay the balance.

    By purchasing this plant, you agree to the terms of purchasing the plant at the full price.


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